Ulrike Stege is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Victoria. She received a diploma in Mathematics from Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg i.Br., Germany, and a doctorate from ETH Zürich, Switzerland. She was Computer Science Department Chair at the University of Victoria from 2014-2018. She is a co-founder and co-director of HighTechU, an innovative learning community for high-school-aged youth with focus on building professional skills, and exploring career pathways related to technology; part HighTechU’s portfolio is the designing and offering of youth workshops in quantum computing. She teaches a graduate & 4th-year course on quantum algorithms and software engineering. With her graduate students she works in the areas of algorithm development with focus on parameterized complexity, quantum computing with focus on hybrid quantum-classical algorithms, bioinformatics and cognitive psychology. She is a principal investigator IBM CAS Project on Quantum Problem Solving and Algorithm Design. Ulrike was co-chair of the Technical Paper Track on Quantum Workforce & Society, as well as Posters Chair of IEEE Quantum Week 2021. She also co-organized quantum computing workshops for youth at IEEE Quantum Week 2020 & 2021, and a co-chair of the CASCON 2020 and CASCON 2021 Workshops on Quantum Computing.
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